Our work reflects the diversity and the excellence of our search.

Current Opportunities
Chief Executive Officer, Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI)
The Design and Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) is the lead agency and champion of the Design and Craft sector in Ireland, representing all disciplines and practitioners. Its objectives are to foster the growth and commercial strength of the Design and Craft sector, communicate its unique identity and stimulate quality Design and competitiveness.
Current Opportunities
Chief Executive Officer, Construction Industry Federation (CIF)
The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) is the voice of the construction sector in Ireland. It represents 1,350 employers and comprises 33 constituent Associations, representing various sectors of the industry. It operates 13 Branches around the country and provides a wide range of advisory and advocacy services through a team of dedicated professionals.
Previous Assignments
Chief Operating Officer, Irish Cancer Society
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Operating Officer to the leadership team of the Irish Cancer Society. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive Officer, Credit Union Development Association (CUDA)
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Executive Officer to the leadership team of the Credit Union Development Association (CUDA). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Head of Craft & Education, Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI)
We recently managed the appointment of Head of Craft & Education to the leadership team of Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive, Charities Regulator
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Executive to the leadership team of the Charities Regulator. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Head of Commercial, Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI)
We recently managed the appointment of Head of Commercial to the leadership team of Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Director of Learning & Development, Construction Industry Federation (CIF)
We recently managed the appointment of Director of Learning & Development to the leadership team of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Commercial Director, IMI
We recently managed the appointment of Commercial Director to the leadership team of the Irish Management Institute (IMI). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Head of Professional Institute of Education
We recently managed the appointment of Head of Professional Institute of Education to the leadership team of a global provider of continuing and higher education. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Financial Officer, Vision Ireland
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Financial Officer to the leadership team of Vision Ireland. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive, Hibernia Group
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Executive to the leadership team of Hibernia Group. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Registrar, Engineers Ireland
We recently managed the appointment of Registrar to the leadership team of Engineers Ireland. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Director, Fota Wildlife Park
We recently managed the appointment of Director to the leadership team of Fota Wildlife Park. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
We use our best people to search for your best people. Technology is just a tool.
Technology may have changed our lives in the last year but some of the secrets to successfully hiring CEOs and Senior Executive talent remain the same! This is true because while technology allows us to search wider, it can never replace time well spent in getting to know potential candidates and ensuring that there is a good cultural fit.
Building The Business Case For Diversity, Equity And Inclusion.
It is now becoming more apparent that many organisations still need to do more if they want a diverse, inclusive and equitable business. So, how can leaders build a business case to move their DEI improvement projects forward?
Do You Already Know How Your Team Will Work In The Future?
A new generation of disruptive technologies is currently accelerating the digital transformation of the world of work and business.
Current Opportunities
Chief Executive Officer, Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI)
The Design and Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) is the lead agency and champion of the Design and Craft sector in Ireland, representing all disciplines and practitioners. Its objectives are to foster the growth and commercial strength of the Design and Craft sector, communicate its unique identity and stimulate quality Design and competitiveness.
Current Opportunities
Chief Executive Officer, Construction Industry Federation (CIF)
The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) is the voice of the construction sector in Ireland. It represents 1,350 employers and comprises 33 constituent Associations, representing various sectors of the industry. It operates 13 Branches around the country and provides a wide range of advisory and advocacy services through a team of dedicated professionals.
Previous Assignments
Deputy Director, Data Services, Technology and Digital Transformation, RTB
We recently managed the appointment of Deputy Director, Data Services, Technology and Digital Transformation to the leadership team of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive Officer, Family Carers Ireland
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Executive Officer to the leadership team of Family Carers Ireland (FCI). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Secretary General, Irish Pharmacy Union
We recently managed the appointment of Secretary General to the leadership team of the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Head of Finance, Dublin Business School (DBS)
We recently managed the appointment of Head of Finance to the leadership team of Dublin Business School (DBS). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Head of School, Health Sciences, Institute of Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy (IICP)
We recently managed the appointment of Head of School, Health Sciences to the leadership team of the Institute of Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy (IICP). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Membership & Client Manager, Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI)
Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) is the representative voice and champion of the design and craft industry in Ireland, representing all disciplines of practitioners. Its objectives are to foster the growth and commercial strength of the design and craft sector, communicate its unique identity and stimulate quality design and competitiveness.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive, Cork Co-Operative Marts Ltd
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Executive to the leadership team of Cork Co-Operative Marts Ltd. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Deputy General Secretary, Garda Representative Association (GRA)
We recently managed the appointment of Deputy General Secretary to the leadership team of the Garda Representative Association (GRA). Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.
Previous Assignments
Chief Executive Officer, The Housing Agency
The Housing Agency is a key government body, playing a crucial role in addressing Ireland’s current housing challenges and promoting the building of sustainable communities. The Agency acts as a centre of knowledge on housing issues, optimising the delivery and utilisation of housing and housing services, and understanding and responding to issues of housing demand and affordability.
Previous Assignments
Chief Operating Officer, Irish Cancer Society
We recently managed the appointment of Chief Operating Officer to the leadership team of the Irish Cancer Society. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.