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Maynooth University Governing Authority is seeking Expressions of Interest (Internal & External) for Membership

We recently managed the appointments for membership of the Maynooth University Governing Authority. Please go to Current Opportunities to discover our latest assignments.

2 mins


Maynooth University (MU), a place of research and learning for over 15,000 students and almost 1,300 staff, is one of the fastest growing universities in Ireland. The University has ambitious plans for future growth and new academic areas. The strategic trajectory and accomplishments of MU, in the 25 years since its establishment as an autonomous public university, are exceptional and a source of great pride to the University community, staff, students and alumni. MU is now acknowledged to be one of the leading young universities in the world, and in 2022 ranked #1 in Ireland in the latest Times Higher Education Best Young University Rankings.


The University President, Professor Eeva Leinonen, is leading the development of the new Strategic Plan for the period up to 2028. The strategic plan will be launched in October 2023. Supporting the delivery of the plan and monitoring progress will be important tasks for all of MU including the Governing Authority.

The Governing Authority is collectively responsible and accountable for the institutional governance and activities of MU. Its role is to provide leadership and strategic direction to the University within a framework of prudent and effective controls, which enables risk to be assessed and managed. The Governing Authority has a key role in setting the ethical tone of the University, not only by its own actions but also in setting an example for senior management and staff.

High ethical standards are in the long-term interests of the University and a key means to help maintain a high level of credibility and trustworthiness.

The Universities Act of 1997 was recently amended by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Act of 2022. In accordance with the Universities Act, as amended, MU is required to establish a new Governing Authority by 9th November 2023. The membership of the Governing Authority will have regard to gender balance and aim to reflect the composition of Irish society, including persons who are competent in the Irish language.

Expressions of interest are now invited for membership of the MU Governing Authority.

MU is seeking to appoint five internal and six external members to join the Governing Authority.

Members of the new Governing Authority, with the exception of the President and Student Union representatives, may be appointed for a period of up to four years, to allow for a rolling renewal of the Governing Authority. Positions are non-remunerated, with appropriate expenses reimbursed in accordance with University policy.

This Search Assignment was managed by:

Seán McDonagh, Partner
Mobile: (087) 796 1062


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